Working Together to Raise Red Flag Awareness


Bay Co Sheriff FordBy Sheriff Tommy Ford

I’m beyond frustrated at the situation that we have with tragic and unnecessary deaths in the Gulf. I have watched deputies, firefighters, and lifeguards risk their lives to save strangers. I have seen strangers die trying to save their children and loved ones, including two fathers on Father’s Day.

Bay Sheriff Rip Current 2Bay Sheriff TruckThese same heroes, who have risked it all to save others, have been cursed and given the finger while trying to warn visitors of the life-threatening dangers. We have used the tools provided by the county commission to fine violators $500 for entering the water on double red flags. We don’t have the resources or time to cite every single person that enters the water, but we do our absolute best to use it as a deterrent to keep them from entering the water. An arrest is only authorized upon a second offense unless the individual resists law enforcement.

We have been diligently working with the TDC, Commissioners, and other partners to continually improve our response capabilities and messaging to make sure everyone knows the flag conditions. Yet, people are still dying.

Government and law enforcement can only do so much in these situations. Personal responsibility is the only way to ensure that no one else dies. Please make the effort to know the beach flag status and stay completely out of the water during double red flags.
I’m so proud of the men and women of the Bay County Sheriff’s Office and partner agencies that are giving their absolute best to save lives. Please be responsible and don’t put your life or theirs in danger.

Beach Warning Flags