To learn more about what local businesses have to offer our winter guests and purchase tickets for the three big dances, mark your calendars for The Winter Resident Appreciation Days held at Laketown Wharf Convention Center from 8 – 11 a.m. on Friday, January 13, Wednesday, February 8, and Wednesday, February 22. Tickets sell out very quickly (sometimes by 9 a.m.) so get there early! Conference Center doors open at 4 a.m.
The Winter Resident Homecoming is Friday, January 20, 2023, held at Laketown Wharf Convention Center from 4 – 9 p.m., with ticket sales January 13 – $10 per person.
The Winter Resident Senior Prom is Friday, February 10, 2023, held at Edgewater Beach Resort from 4 -9 p.m., with ticket sales February 8 – $10 per person
The Winter Resident Grand Finale is Friday, February 24, 2023, held at Edgewater Beach Resort from 4 – 9 p.m., with tickets on sale February 22 – $10 per person.