Veterans, Fishing, and Thanksgiving


By Pam Anderson

The Grand Lagoon area stays busy with festivals and special events throughout the winter. Coming up, the Capt. Anderson family will host its 50th Annual Veterans Day Freedom Celebration November 11th at the marina. All who wish to honor our service men and women come out and join us at 9:30 a.m. as Neysa Wilkins, news anchor at WJHG-TV emcees the event. Following the celebration, veterans, current military of U.S. and allied forces and their immediate family are treated to a Dolphin Encounter Cruise-reservations required with Military I.D.

Capt Anderson Veterans Parade 1Because so many have stepped up to serve their country, our country, over the generations, we need to set aside time to say ‘thank you’. It’s the least we can do. Freedom isn’t free. We are proud to show our gratitude for those who keep our Nation free.

We, like many of you, are praying for peace in the Middle East.

Speaking of being thankful, this is the time of year set aside to reflect on our blessings. Yes, we have high fuel prices, inflation, high food costs and more, but even the least fortunate among us are considered wealthy when compared to the rest of the world. We are thankful for our families, for a caring community that goes to great lengths to be compassionate to the less fortunate or those affected by tragedies; we are thankful for the beautiful place where we all live, and the bountiful fishing we all enjoy. We are also thankful to God for keeping His steady hand of protection on our Nation even when we don’t deserve it.


As for fishing…. While the main season for fishing and Shell Island trips is closed October 31st, there are still plenty of opportunities to get out and wet a line this winter. Grand Lagoon is home to the best fishing guides and captains in Northwest Florida! Guide Boats and most Charter Boats operate year-round, not to mention our friends at Treasure Island with their headboat, the Jubilee. Winter fishing on cool, crisp mornings is very different; watch the sun rise, hardly any boat traffic-feels like you’re out on an island somewhere. It’s beautiful!


If you haven’t secured your place for an office or family Christmas party, Capt. Anderson Marina’s Event Center still has some openings in December. Call soon to book your date! (850) 234-3435.

Bethlehem Christmas Village

Capt Anderson AngelsBethlehem Christmas Village will be each evening 5:30 ‘til 8 p.m., Wednesday, December 13 through Saturday, December 16. Each night we will host different local school choirs performing their Christmas programs before and after the presentation of the Live Nativity. Come join us for this special event.

As always, when planning your fishing trip, remember Capt. Anderson’s Marina… home of 30 private Charter Boats, ten Guide Boats and four Dive Boats, three large Head-boats and Shell Island/Dolphin Cruises. (Headboats & Cruises available March through October.)

Capt. Anderson’s Marina…Where the fish are always biting, and the kids are always smiling.