Patronis: Tradition. Community. Excellence.


By Brooke Loyed, Principal, Patronis Elementary

Patronis StaffAs we begin the New Year of 2023, our school reflects back on 28 years. Although I was not working at Patronis when it opened, I sure knew about the sense of traditions, community, and excellence it was creating as an employee with Bay District Schools while Janice Salares and Ellie Spivey were here. We are so proud of the many, many parts that have worked together for this team every day since 1995. We have many founding members who have been here since day one and many others who have been here almost as long. We have teachers and staff who drive quite a distance just to be here at Patronis Elementary.

We could not thank everyone in this article but it goes without saying that there are major groups that work for our academic and safety goals. Our teachers and staff spend countless hours working on lessons, training and events. Our specialists know their area like no one’s business. They are the true experts in the field — whether it be grade level teachers, ESE teachers, school counselors, special area teachers, STEAM teachers, gifted/TAG teachers, ESOL teachers, reading endorsed teachers, interventionists, paraprofessionals, tutors, front office staff, custodial — they ALL give our school their very best every day. Our bus drivers, lunchroom staff, district service providers, and district staff work hard to make everything run smoothly. Our Triad and mental health team, our military liaison/counselor and our military volunteers, our Pancare team, our SRO and Safety office and our Bay Base program all help us care for the whole child. Our a.m./p.m. duty personnel begin their day very early and end very late to keep everyone safe. And yet, I am only touching the surface of all of the cylinders that fire to make this work. Our School Advisory Council, our Elevate Bay mentors, our volunteers, and our PLCs are integral parts of our school. Our PTO is on another level with support from direct assistance to our classrooms to assistance with overall school atmosphere and culture. Our business partners and community partners are invested in our school with volunteers and other support. In addition, our students make us proud every day. They have a love of learning that is contagious. They have high expectations for themselves and their friends. They are proud of their school and of their teachers and their families. They are actively involved in activities such as Chorus, Student Council, ITV, Safety Patrol, Junior Olympics, Lego Leagues, Anchored for Life, Art shows, and STEAM events. Last but certainly not least, we appreciate our parents. Our parents bring their excitement to every event and encourage students to do the same. They are the first to volunteer and the first to thank the adults caring for their students. They have the same high expectations that our staff and students have.

Patronis truly has a New Year outlook and a new appreciation for everyone who supports our school family. Our whole team works for it each and every day. All of the groups listed above plus so many more make Patronis Elementary School such a special place. This is my 17th year at Patronis and I have never been prouder to be surrounded by the Community that values Tradition and Excellence every day. The fact that we are an “A” elementary school and FLDOE School of Excellence since 2017 is simply icing on the cake (the cake that I made a resolution not to eat this year…oh, maybe just this once).