Book Review: Rebel Keto By Heather Strickland


Review by Jack Smith

As Gloria Steinem once quipped, “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
This book has your back and offers an all-new sustainable approach to weight loss while exposing the lies of the past three decades. This book is fun, easy to read, and also very liberating. This is the true story of how the author lost weight and kept it off.

Heather Strickland lives in Rosemary Beach. She woke up at thirty-five and found herself grossly overweight. She tried most of the trendy diets, but totally failed. Not one to give up without a fight, a diet rebel was born.

Emelie+sandersHeather took matters into her own hands, did uncountable hours of research, and finally resorted to common sense and self-testing. Using her newly developed plan she lost 140 lbs., and to this day has kept it off (and it’s been over six years). When writing this book, she thought of all of the boring-ass diet books and decided to take a lighter path. Have you ever tried to read a diet book? They just straight-up stink (sorry, not sorry).

America has an obesity epidemic on its hands and according to Heather, it got there by following the Standard American Diet. Today over 40% of adults are obese, as are 20% of children. “Where is the outrage?” In this book, Heather calls BS on many of these weight loss lies of the past forty years.

Will this diet be easy? Hell no. Anyone who tells you that dieting is easy is lying to your face, but she includes a great selection of recipes to at least make it more enjoyable. “I’m going to make this as simple as possible, as fun as possible. I did not lose weight by playing by the rules and I challenge you to become a rebel, a Rebel Keto warrior,” writes Heather.

Heather Strickland is a local writer, a Mom Certified Health Coach, and the founder of the “Word to your Mother” blog. She enjoys keeping it real, momming and dancing like nobody’s watching (because they aren’t, they’re on their cell phones).