Bay County Sheriff’s Office Reflects on 2023 and Sets Goals for 2024


Bay Co Sheriff FordAs we clean away the wrapping paper, put away the last Christmas ornament, and finish ringing in the New Year we find ourselves taking a little time to reflect on 2023 and set goals for 2024.

In 2023, the Bay County Sheriff’s Office fed about 2000 families through Operation ThankFULL during Thanksgiving. We provided toys to more than 700 needy children in Bay County and gave Skip Bondur of Stuff the Bus a few extra toys we had. We were glad to help. There is no competition when it comes to helping children.

All of that would not have been possible without the generous spirit of the people of Bay County. And we are so appreciative of your often sacrificial giving and support.

As far as 2024, our primary goal is to ensure the safety and security of the people of Bay County remains at the forefront of everything we do. Equally vital is the importance placed on service. We will continue to serve with integrity and professionalism. High standards and a commitment to training help keep us focused on our goals.

Training is an ongoing responsibility at the Bay County Sheriff’s Office with not only state-mandated curriculum, but also enhanced training in specific areas that Sheriff Tommy Ford believes vital. This includes Active Shooter training and Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training, equipping deputies to respond appropriately to special needs subjects and those facing mental health crises. Job-specific training will continue at the BCSO.

Providing deputies with current training and updated tools and equipment increases the safety of responders as they go to a dangerous incident, and provides the public with a well-trained, well-equipped response force to keep them safe.

The development of the Bay Real-time Operation Center, BayROC, will continue in 2024. Sheriff Ford, with the support and participation of city police departments, is harnessing the latest in technology to fight crime in Bay County. And it is paying off every day, but perhaps most visibly with precise, effective responses during potentially volatile times such as Spring Break.

We pledge to serve, ensure safety and security, and search for even better ways to accomplish these goals for the people of Bay County during 2024.