When One Door Closes, Another Opens!


By Pam Anderson

We hear that often in messages of hope; it also applies to fishing seasons. While the Federal season for Red Snapper closes as of Midnight August 2, Amberjack and Triggerfish seasons opened August 1!

Fishing Triggerfish RyanTriggerfish are one of the ugliest fish you’ll encounter on the Gulf, but don’t let their looks fool you. They are quite tasty and fun to catch. Their pure white meat will bake up or fry up any way you like it and they are definitely a crowd-pleaser. The Grand Lagoon’s head-boats will be catching triggerfish-and keeping them- starting August 1 until the Federal regulators say we have reached the annual catch limit (ACL) for the Gulf. This year they have increased the ACL so we should have a longer season, hopefully at least until the end of October. You can keep one triggerfish that is 15” fork length (end of nose to fork in the tail).

Fishing Mason AjAmberjack… Woohoo! If you haven’t caught one of these lively specimens, you are missing out on a challenge! Greater Amberjack season runs August 1 through October 31 with a one per person 34” fork length catch limit. Charter boats are already preparing for a great fall season, catching AJs. (Be sure to do some working out on those abs before you plan to fish for these rascals!)

Amberjack can be fried, grilled or smoked and they are always a great treat.

Bring the family and enjoy the day on our beautiful Gulf of Mexico. Whether you choose five hour, six hour, or 10 hour head-boat trips or one of the many charter boats we have to offer in Grand Lagoon, it will be a very special experience. Breathe in the fresh Gulf air, get a little sunshine, and catch supper too!

Fishing BillBe sure to ask about the local restaurants that will cook your catch for you. We call it ‘Hook ‘n Cook’ in PCB. You catch the fish, have them cleaned at the dockside seafood market, then take them to be cooked at a local eatery-they supply all the trimmings! Yay! No messy kitchen for Mom!

NEW this year! Panama City Beach Fishing Rodeo September 22 through October 10! Make reservations soon on your favorite boat to be a part of this great event. Besides a great fall fishing tournament that includes private boats as well as charter boats and headboats – even kayaks and paddleboards, there will be events at different restaurants throughout the Grand Lagoon area over the 2 ½ weeks of the Rodeo. All details can be found at www.pcbeachfishingrodeo.com.

You can also find more info on all the great opportunities in the Grand Lagoon area at www.grandlagoon.com.

When planning your fishing trip, remember Capt. Anderson’s Marina… home of three large headboats, 35 private charter boats, and 4 dive boats… and Shell Island/Dolphin Cruises.
Capt. Anderson’s Marina…Where the fish are always biting and the kids are always smiling. captandersonsmarina.com