The Honey Hole: Second Chances


Tim BraddockBy Tim Braddock, Bay Breeze Bait & Tackle

All of us can relate to being thankful for second chances! There’s nothing like having a second chance at a great thing. Fall has given us a second chance at a few good things in the fishing community. October gave us a second chance to catch Red Snapper in state waters. Hope you all did well and we will look forward to the red snapper season return in June 2021.

November ushers in the secondary run of pompano in surf fishing. They will be hungry and ready to snack on plenty of sand fleas. Local surf fishers have found great success in pairing fleas with either Fishbites or FishGum. These synthetic baits can also be fished by themselves. Be sure to stop by your local bait and tackle shop for the breakdown of the different flavors and colors available.

November will also hold yet another opportunity for fishers to show off, in some friendly competition. ‘The Reel Pompano Blitz’ will be hosted by Bay Breeze Bait & Tackle and Reel 30-A, on Saturday, November 14th. Registration is now available online, so check us out on Facebook, or visit the shop, Bay Breeze Bait & Tackle, 21301 Panama City Parkway. Every entrant will receive a swag grab bag and a chance to win the Grand Prize – $500, so be sure to enter! Registration is just $20.

As the cooler weather moves in and daylight continues to diminish different types of fish will become more active. We will continue to see the bluefish in steady numbers as the temperatures drop. The larger redfish will continue to be caught and released because of being too large for the 18”-27” from the surf. If you are a novice in fishing the panhandle in the winter time we encourage you to visit your local bait and tackle shop to get the latest information. There are several local shops that provide seminars and sessions on a range of topics from targeting specific species to the latest gear and the advantage it provides to the fisherman. Be sure to get out and fish!