Tails And Tales 2021 Summer Reading Program At Bay County Libraries


This year’s Summer Reading theme is “Tails and Tales” for the Northwest Regional Library System (NWRLS). All summer virtual programs and in-house activities are free of charge. Recorded programs will release on the specified date/time through the Bay County Public Library and Panama City Beach Public Library Facebook pages or the Northwest Regional Library System FL YouTube channel. Pre-register for Zoom programs by visiting the event details online through www.nwrls.com or email sburris@nwrls.com for the registration link. A variety of programs are available for all ages.

Summer breaks from school can cause a student to lose up to one month of instruction. The NWRLS locations aspire to help students prevent the ‘summer slide’ by providing a variety of engaging, educational programs that encourage discovery. Summer Reading allows children to maintain their reading skills during summer break and foster a love of reading through the public library. Library cards are free for residents of Bay, Gulf and Liberty County. Each library card holder can check out up to 20 items at a time. Summer is a great time to read for fun while keeping up reading skills! Our library staff can also provide reading recommendations for all ages.