Surfside Middle School: Novum Limes


By Wendy Christian, Teacher & Matt Pitts, Principal

Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Twain might very well have been talking about Surfside Middle School. From its first day of school more than thirty years ago, Surfside has been the vessel for countless students seeking ‘New Frontiers.’ And with the guidance of a genuinely dedicated faculty, staff, and administration, the students of Surfside continue to expand their educational horizons, enthusiastically following the countless imaginative and creative currents that ripple outward in all directions.
Surfside Middle SchoolOver the past 31 years, the school has found its direction under the supervision of great leaders like Joel Creel, Judy Vandergrift, and Dr. Sue Harrell, who served as Principal for 17 years. During this time Surfside garnished several ‘A’ school awards from the state and in 2019 was awarded the School of Excellence award from the Florida Department of Education. Surfside is the only secondary school in Bay County to earn this distinction.
Surfside Middle School stands out because of a tradition of excellence, established by the staff and students that have gone before us, creating an educational experience like no other. Here are a few examples of what set us apart:

‘Wet Week’ and ‘Bay Day’ give our students the opportunity to go out and explore the beautiful beaches and bays that surround us, with the eyes of young scientists. This truly allows the science in the classroom to come to life in the world around us.

‘Frontier Days’ take students back to the 1800’s, to have a first-hand look at how the American settlers lived, played, and survived.

Then there are the arts. We have had many accomplished music instructors over the years, but no more than the two we have right now in Jim Colvin and Fred Mullen. Under their supervision, Surfside has been awarded the Secondary Music Enrollment Award from the Florida Band Masters Association for having a least 50% of the student body enrolled in the music program. From show choir, to musical theater, band, and jazz band, we have something for everyone’s musical dreams.

If STEM is your thing, we have that also. Under the guidance of Kathy Jones, we started our STEM/Pre-engineering program in 2008. The program soon garnished the distinction of being called a ‘Model STEM Program’ by the United States Department of Education. Recently, Surfside had a team of female students compete at the international STEM competition in Boston.

Our Pre-engineering program offers students the opportunity to think in Rube Goldberg design, create water bottle rockets, drones, and use AutoCad and Autodesk Inventor for 3D printing. Last year, for the first time, we were able to offer Invention Convention. One of our young inventors, Alex Robb, placed 2nd at the International Invention Convention competition for his ‘Goofy Golf Grabber.’

In addition to our academic programs, Surfside has several championship quality sport teams for students to choose from. Whether it’s playing football, soccer, or track, on the Tommy Clemmons sports field; playing basketball in the Joel Creel Shark Tank; our County Champion volleyball team, or our award-winning cheer team, we have a way for athletes to make their mark on our tradition of athletic excellence.

Last but certainly not least, a school is an essential part of any community and Surfside takes this role very seriously. It is a genuine honor to work hand in hand with the Panama City Beach community. Community outreach and service is just as important to us as academics and Surfside has shown this during our time in the community.

For the faculty, staff, and administration of Surfside Middle School, there is no greater privilege and responsibility than providing each student with a well-rounded academic grounding that will set them on a course to any sea of their choosing.