Spring Has Sprung


By James Clauson, Director, Beach Mosquito Control District

Spring is here which means there will be an uptick in mosquito activity. Beach Mosquito Control District is located in Panama City Beach and is tasked with controlling mosquitoes in the district from the Walton County line to Hathaway Bridge, south of the intercoastal waterway. We are an Independent Special Taxing District formed in 1953 to serve the taxpayers in the District.

Mosquitoes need water to live and breed in. Anytime water is present, there is the potential for mosquito breeding. The most common breeding of mosquitoes in neighborhoods is in artificial containers such as buckets, trash cans, toys that hold water, rain gutters, boat covers, birdbaths, etc. The easiest and best way to help stop breeding of mosquitoes on your property is to “dump and drain” once a week. With the days getting longer and the temperatures warming up, we will have more mosquitoes in our area.

As mentioned, Beach Mosquito Control District is a tax based governmental entity that responds to mosquito service calls from residents and visitors in the District. If you are experiencing mosquitoes, especially during the daytime, please call us and we typically will respond within the hour. Part of our operations is relying on calls from residents and visitors to help us locate areas of mosquito activity. We don’t discourage, but rather encourage calls from the public. You can enter a service request by calling us at (850) 233-5030, or going on our website (www.pcbeachmosquito.org) and entering a service request. You can even do it on your cell phone by typing in: pcbeachmosquito.org and then drill down to “Request for Service and Fogging Information.” The request will go to our internal software and be responded to within the hour.

Lastly, we are here to serve you, the taxpayers and visitors to our beautiful area. Our goal is to keep the mosquitoes to a minimal level and keep our area free of mosquito-borne disease. We do this by using the latest methodologies and environmentally friendly pesticides available. Again, please call or email us with any mosquito related issues.