Skip the Trip, Visit the Bay County Tax Collector’s Online Office


As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in our area we recognize the need for many to take extra precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones. We wanted to highlight the many services we offer which can be accomplished over the phone, online or by mail.
If you visit our website, you’ll see a button titled Online Services. This page outlines the many services which can be accomplished online and provides direct links to process the transaction and/or the forms necessary to complete the transaction by mail or drop-box.

Among the Online Services Highlighted are:
• Property Tax
• Pay/ Print Receipt
• View Payment History
• Enroll in the Installment Plan
• Enroll in E-Billing
• Update your Mailing Address
• Vehicle/Vessel
• Renew Registration (Same day pick up available if renewing before 3 p.m. on a business day, no wait.)
• Order Paper Title
• Update Address
• Access Title/Registration Packet to register vehicle via mail/drop box.
• Driver License/ID Card Services
• Renew Card
• Card Reprint (Lost/Stolen)
• Address Change/Update
• Driver License Check
• Update Medical Certification or Self-Certify (CDL Drivers)
• Hunting/Fishing License
• Purchase/ Renew/ Upgrade a License
• Concealed Weapon Permits
• Renew permit
• Apply for permit

While we are still unable to provide testing services and original issuance driver license/ID card services remotely, we do have alternative methods to process many services for customers unable to physically make a visit to our office. If there is something you’d like to process remotely, but aren’t sure about how to go about it, please call us (850) 248-8501 or email us at so we can determine how to best assist you.
Additionally, you can find a Chat Bot on the website which can answer a variety of questions 24/7.

Expanding the Team
Like so many businesses, we too are looking for individuals to join our work family. If you’re new to the community and looking for a career in customer service, we encourage you to check us out. We’re looking for individuals who love working with people and problem solving. We can certainly promise that no day in our office will look the same as another. The work is challenging and the learning curve is a bit intense, but the reward of helping others and serving our community is rewarding. We offer competitive pay, a great team to provide support as you learn and grow, a set weekly schedule and weekends and holidays off. If you’re interested in learning more about current opportunities, please visit

Express Lane Service
If you need to renew a tag, we offer Express Lane pickup in all four offices. How can you access Express Lane pickup? Simply renew online at before 3 p.m. on a business day. The online system allows you to select same day pickup, choose your pick up location and even designate someone else to pick up your renewal for you. You’ll receive an email when your renewal is ready for pick up and you can head to our office and pick up your renewal at the Information Desk without having to join a queue or wait.

For more information regarding services provided, please visit For the latest information and updates follow them on social media- Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.