Rosacea: Causes, Triggers, and Treatment Options


By Bridget Sullivan

Papulopustular Rosacea, Face Close UpRosacea is an inflammatory condition that causes persistent facial redness. The cause of rosacea is thought to be multifactorial. Some of these factors include genetics, altered skin microbiome, impaired skin barrier and certain triggers. Rosacea affects approximately five percent of the population and affects both men and women.

There are different types of rosacea. These include telangiectasia (dilated blood vessels), papulopustular (inflamed pimples), phymatous (thickened skin commonly seen on the nose), and ocular rosacea. The type of treatment you need will depend on the type of rosacea you have.

There are certain triggers that will make rosacea flare up and get worse. These triggers include high sun exposure, alcohol, stress, extremes of temperature, spicy foods, and certain medications. These triggers are hard to avoid, but having an understanding that coming into contact with these conditions will cause rosacea to flare and calm down when the trigger is gone should give understanding and solace.

There are some daily practices and products to include and exclude from your routine to prevent rosacea from getting worse. For your face wash, use a gentle cleanser and avoid exfoliants. Avoid extremes of temperatures when washing your face – not too hot or cold – lukewarm water is best. Apply sunscreen in the morning to avoid sun damage and further inflammation.

There are a myriad of different treatment options depending on the type of rosacea that you have. Some of these options include prescription creams, oral antibiotics, laser treatments, and surgical excision. Please speak to your medical provider for the best treatment options for your type of rosacea.

Rosacea can be an embarrassing and frustrating condition. I believe that having a better understanding of what rosacea is and the triggers that will make it worse is half the battle. Making lifestyle modifications and using the correct skin care products, while also seeking medical treatment, can greatly help a person suffering from rosacea.