Protecting More Than Your Skin
By Kay Leaman, Health Architect
Summer is here. You can feel the humidity thicken and watch traffic double. Sunscreen sales increase as we hit the...
Let’s Get Growing with Julie: Pick a Persimmon Without the Pucker
By Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS Extension Bay County
Native persimmon trees can be found throughout our region and when ripe the fruit is delicious, but if...
Creativebug Online Art and Craft Classes Free with Library Card
The Northwest Regional Library System (NWRLS) has expanded its sponsored subscription access to all patrons to include Creativebug available with your library card. A...
Review: The Hope by Herman Wouk
Reviewed by Jack Smith
Herman Wouk is one of the greatest historical novelists ever. It began with “The Caine Mutiny” and continued with “The Winds...
Carbohydrates, Our Friend and Enemy
By Kay Leaman, Health Architect
Carbs are everywhere and necessary for our health. However, the carbs we choose can affect our gut health, immune system,...
Design and Culture: Remodeling and Planning
My husband and I have lots of home projects planned, but if you are anything like us, we try to plan so there are...
Market Volatility
By Maurice Stouse, Financial Advisor and Branch Manager
Market Volatility Continues
It has been quite a different year for investors. Investments can be classified in a...
Boating Season Is Here, Make Sure Your Boat is Legal Before...
Summer and boating go hand-in-hand along the Gulf Coast, but the Tax Collector’s Office wants to make sure you have thought ahead and have...
Ask Apex: State-of-the-Art Structural Drying
By Jeremy Neel
Your home or commercial building has water damage. Do you know how to select a company with water damage and structural drying...
Taking the Mystery out of Dry Cleaning
By Steven Harley, CEO, CFO, Head Janitor, Total Laundry Services
In this issue, we want to talk about dry cleaning! Dry cleaning is a mystery...