Message from the Mayor: Happy 2021!


Pcb MayorFrom Mayor Sheldon

We are all excited about entering this new year, hoping we can soon put the pandemic behind us. There is much hope on the horizon, and we expect to see great things happening in our great City this year.

Through our strategic, business, and financial plans, all adopted in 2020, and in conjunction with our citywide citizen survey, the city has established numerous goals and priorities for 2021.

One of the most important and ambitious projects for next year is the continuation of construction within the Front Beach Road CRA (Community Redevelopment Area). We will begin construction soon on Segment 3, which includes adding a roundabout at the intersection of Front Beach Road and State Road 79. The road will be widened, with tram and bicycle lanes, sidewalks and landscaping added and utilities placed underground from 79 to Lullwater Drive.

By September, we hope to start on Segment 4.1, from Lullwater Drive to Hills Road, and 4.2 from Hills to Hutchison Boulevard. The city issued bonds to finance multiple phases of simultaneous construction in an effort to complete the project.

Improvements to Powell Adams and Alf Coleman roads will also start this year. Segment 2 of Bay Parkway will be completed in early 2021, providing an outlet from State Road 79 to Nautilus Street.

The city has hired state and federal lobbyists to ensure our area gets its fair share in federal and state highway dollars, as we desperately need more lanes on Panama City Beach Parkway. We are also applying for grants to help improve our transportation system.
Through the citizen survey, residents identified traffic flow and road improvements as our greatest challenge. Only one-third of area residents gave positive ratings to the overall quality of our transportation system. We know we have to improve and diversify modes of transportation to relieve our traffic congestion, especially during the busy summer months.
We have many other goals for the year, including continuing our efforts to expand and diversify our economy, by working with economic development partners to bring more jobs to the area.

We are investing in public safety through the addition of body cameras for our police and we are adding four police officer positions, and increasing training for police and fire. We have an expanded Beach Safety plan that will put more full-time lifeguards on the beach during our busy season.

One of our goals last year was to update our website to increase transparency and usability. Our new website is Check it out. Also, remember to look for my biweekly video messages on our City Government Facebook page.

In early 2021 you will start to see beautifully painted sea turtle and dolphin statues around town and we expect to do live theater this summer at Aaron Bessant Park, as we focus on increasing the arts in our community.

And finally, as always, the City will continue its efforts to be mindful of our spending to remain in a strong financial position.

As we enter this new year, let us continue to look forward, and may we all work together to better our community.

If you have concerns or questions you would like Mayor Sheldon to address, email Communications Director Debbie Ward at