Making Change in Florida’s Second Congressional District


By Congressman Neal Dunn

It has been a vigorous month on Capitol Hill. My staff and I are hard at work representing and fighting for the people of Florida’s Second Congressional District.

June began with the House passing the Fiscal Responsibility Act to address the nation’s debt ceiling.

The month progressed with my introduction of the Creating Accountable Respectful Environments (CARE) for Children Act. Going into the foster care system can be difficult for a child and their parents. The transition is even more difficult when there is a shortage of foster care options. The CARE for Children Act seeks to expand foster home options to include cottage-family homes. Cottage Family homes offer a family-like living environment in a single-family residency with no more than two children per bedroom unless it is in the child’s best interest. This bill helps ensure a healthier and more stable environment for children raised in the foster care system.

One thing that comes up regularly in my conversations in the district is the price of prescription drugs. That’s why I also introduced the Increasing Transparency in Generic Drug Applications Act.

This bill improves the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s review process for complex generic medications by allowing the agency to inform generic drug sponsors about the differences between their application and the reference product. In other words, this increases your choices of affordable, quality prescription drugs.

You deserve access to more safe, generic medications. Branded drugs currently account for 82% of the total drug spend in the U.S. With many households struggling with inflation, the more money we can help patients save, the better.

Finally, we welcomed the 2023 Congressional Art Competition winner for Florida’s Second District, Stella Bagby of Inlet Beach, and her family to Capitol Hill this past month. Stella is a student at the Ohana Institute, and on June 20, we celebrated her with the official hanging of her piece “Florida Beauty Aura” in the United States Capitol. Millions of individuals will view Stella’s artwork while visiting the U.S. Capitol, and her art will remain displayed for one calendar year.

For regular updates about what I’m doing in Congress, follow me on Twitter at @DrNealDunnFL2 or Facebook.