Introducing: King of Pops PCB


A PCB Chamber Introduction

Hello neighbors! We are Micah and Nicole Priest, but most of you know us as King of Pops PCB. We are a small, local & veteran-owned business serving Bay County delicious, gourmet-style popsicles.

King Of Pops FamilyWe will get into the popsicles later, but first, we want the community to get to know who we are. We are full-time residents here in the beautiful Florida panhandle and like most of you, our family enjoys being outdoors. Most days we end up on the sand, in the water, or on a ballfield somewhere. While we wouldn’t trade this life for anything, at times, the heat was overwhelming and we often found ourselves seeking some sort of relief, which usually involved ice cream or popsicles. This became increasingly difficult once we had to cut out dyes and gluten for our children. We were shocked at how many things were no longer options.

This is when the business ideas started flowing. Why not bring a healthy version of our favorite family treat to our community? Would we be able to accomplish such a feat without sacrificing flavor? Can we make them available for everyone?

Nicole is originally from the Atlanta, Georgia area. For those who are familiar with the area, you have likely heard of King of Pops. If you haven’t, they offer amazing gourmet popsicles or “pops” as we all call them that usually have between three and five ingredients which come from local farms in Georgia and Florida. They also take great pride in giving back to their community. After much research and many discussions, we were offered an opportunity to become franchisees.

While our journey began about a year ago, we have already made wonderful partnerships in the area and we have been able to give back to several schools, churches, sports teams, after-school clubs and first responders. You will often see one of our carts at the Panama City farmers market and occasionally other places, however, we can come out or do “pop drops” to nearly any event including weddings, sporting events, birthday parties, school functions and more. We offer several flavors that are always going to be available such as Chocolate Sea Salt, Mango, Tangerine, Strawberry Lemonade, and Raspberry Lime as well as seasonal flavors like Patriot Pop, Peach, Thai Iced Tea, and Key Lime Pie. We have both gluten-free and dairy-free options and all of the pops are dye-free and use natural ingredients.

We would love to hear from you and as a small business trying to grow, we would greatly appreciate any opportunity to serve our tasty treats within Bay County.

See where we are poppin on Instagram @kop_panamacity or @kingofpopspanamacity on Facebook or visit our website: