Humble House Hopes for New Location


We do not believe in coincidences. So, when the home we’ve been courting is featured on multiple platforms, going viral, we figure God’s hand is at work.

Since March of this year, we have been praying over a home in Panama City, Florida that could be our recovery program’s forever home. This particular house is out of place where it’s at, looks more like a compound than a home, is much too large (and expensive) for anyone in our county to be interested in – especially not being beachfront- yet it’s perfect for our needs.

Humble House Ministries, INC. was established in September 2020, and the need continues to grow. The first phase of our ministry has been providing a Transitional Housing Program that is based on the Word of God, free of charge to those without the ability to pay. The first home opened in September and 6 months later, the second home has opened which will double the occupancy capabilities, allowing us to include women and their children. In addition to Bay county, there is even a Tallahassee location being opened in early June. So much need.

“We are thrilled to see the community support of this ministry. But with the obvious need, we can’t keep opening a temporary transitional home every 6 months! We need a forever home, and this house has everything we need to make that dream a reality,” Rachel Duvall, Founder & CEO.

This is why when this home, the one we’ve met with the realtor and seller about, the one we have investors lined up to gift substantial donations for, the one we will have to raise $1,000,000 to purchase, the one in OUR Bay county, was featured on Zillow Gone Wild, we had to share. The home is located at 329 W 23rd Place, Panama City, Fl. We have no idea how this connection will spark interest, or increase awareness, but we do not believe in coincidences and are eager to see the story waiting to be told.

Learn more at or call (850) 628-1021.