Health & Wellness at Optimal Hormones & Wellness

It seems Americans are obsessed with health and wellness, perfect skin, hair and nails. They are searching for a new more energetic version of themselves.
Meet Nancy Watson, PA, high priestess of all things healthy and owner of Optimal Hormones & Wellness in PCB.
As we age, hormone levels begin to decline causing a host of physiological changes that occur such as when testosterone levels in men fall or when estrogen and progesterone fall in women. These changes can be a signal of the beginning of manopause (male menopause) and menopause. Some of these changes may be barely noticeable or merely inconvenient. However, others can have a profound and destructive impact on everyday life. For example, physical symptoms caused by a decline in hormone levels can significantly affect your quality of life such as aches/pains and low energy. Social and emotional insecurities can be triggered by a changing appearance such as laxity of the skin, hair thinning and wrinkles. These symptoms can impact your personal relationships and your confidence levels as you move through daily life. Many of these changes are related to a decline in hormone levels.
The good news is that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has the potential to shape how you look and feel as you age.

A Middle Aged Couple Walking Hand In Hand On The Beach At Sunset.Signs of decreased hormone levels include:

1. Sex drive and sexual function.
2. Body composition
3. Bone health
4. Metabolism and energy level
5. Skin hair and nails
Call Nancy Watson, PA today at (850) 320-8254 and start a customized program that will put you on the road to being a better you. Optimal Hormones & Wellness is located at  203 N. Arnold Road in Panama City Beach. Visit to learn more now.