Grand Lagoon Life


By Marta Rose-Thorpe, Grand Lagoon Correspondent for PCB Life

Grand Lagoon Life Set With Rendy LoveladyI love my job. Of course, there are those things we like about our jobs – or chosen professions. And then there are those aspects that we don’t care for, but know they’re necessary… so we delegate, if we can. One of the things I love most about my job is that I get to hear people’s stories. I get to learn about them and understand a little more closely what makes them tick. Human beings have always intrigued me; I have a natural curiosity and want to understand them. Every one of us is so unique – our chapters are filled with such different experiences and adventures. We all have an exclusive story to tell.

When I first moved to Panama City Beach from Los Angeles in 2004, I felt a sense of sadness that I would be leaving such an amazing melting pot behind… a fusion of cultures, ethnicities and industries. I feared moving to a place devoid of variety and diversity. Little did I know how unfounded my fears were back then.

Since launching the Grand Lagoon Life magazine three and a half years ago, and recently launching the Grand Lagoon Life show, a web-based series featuring A Slice of Life in the Grand Lagoon, I have met so many vibrant, interesting, enchanting people… and gotten to share so many cool stories. I had the opportunity a few weeks ago to sit down with a Grand Lagoon resident that I find very interesting, Rendy Lovelady, and discuss what he’s up to. I learned so much about the music industry in our conversation, and of course learned more about his two big annually-produced events here in Panama City Beach, the Pepsi Gulf Coast Jam at Frank Brown Park, and Sandjam taking place on the beach near the County Pier. What great information – and what a cool insight, learning about the life of an entertainment manager who’s managed mega acts for most of his career. But then we started talking about Panama City Beach, affectionally known as “Nashville South” according to Rendy, and the reasons why people really love it here.

“It’s a Peace in this community that doesn’t exist in Nashville,” says Rendy, citing Grand Lagoon as “the hip, cool side of the beach.” And I couldn’t agree more. Somewhere, away from the hustle and bustle and the traffic, is a serene and naturally gorgeous end of the beach anchored by St. Andrews State Park, St. Andrews Bay, the Gulf of Mexico and the Grand Lagoon canal itself – and this end of the beach is known as the Grand Lagoon. Animals, birds and reptiles roam free here. Waves and wind are familiar sounds, and water-based activity abounds. (Yes, that just rhymed.)

Rendy mentioned a Community Synergy here in the Grand Lagoon, and I agree with this observation too. Daily I witness people helping people, folks supporting one another, offering to get involved, assisting in each other’s endeavors. You do see this in other places, but it really feels quite concentrated here in our Grand Lagoon. We also talked about time spent here – and the encounters one gets to have in this area. “It’s all about the experience,” he says. “If you don’t have a great experience, it ain’t worth going!” And creating one-of-a-kind experiences is what this man does really well.

Speaking of Grand Lagoon experiences, the Grand Lagoon Coalition (GLC) does a wonderful job of connecting and engaging not only tourists, but local residents and business owners as well, by producing an array of fun and memorable community events, some of which you’ve undoubtedly attended in years past. The GLC was created to provide a platform for the revitalization and promotion of the area; its mission is to organize a strong network of local businesses, organizations and individuals committed to building a vibrant and strong community that supports economic prosperity and better quality of life for those who live, work and play here.

Signature GLC events include the Fifth Annual Bloody Mary & Music Festival to be held this year on Saturday, November 7th at the Sheraton PCB Resort, Pirates of the High Seas during Columbus Weekend, Tacos & Tequila, Freedom Rocks in the Grand Lagoon (a fireworks show on July 3rd), Bethlehem Village in December at Capt. Anderson’s Marina, and this year’s inaugural Grand Lagoon Golf Tournament on November 6th at the Sheraton PCB Resort. Event details and tickets – as well as information on the Grand Lagoon – is online at