Gone Yesterday, Hear Today: Taking a Proactive Approach to Your Hearing Health


Cute Little Granddaughter Whispering In Ear Telling Secret To GrandmaFinding and deciding who to trust with your healthcare can be challenging, and hearing issues are no exception. Since a hearing aid cannot be prescribed like eyeglasses, proper hearing aid recommendations and fitting are highly dependent on the judgement and skill of the professional selecting the instrument. At All Clear Hearing Centers we test your hearing, then select and dispense the hearing instrument best suited to your needs, in addition to providing support, counseling, and service of the hearing system. Our professional team of Audiologists, Hearing Instrument Specialists and Patient Care Coordinators are among the best the industry has to offer. As one of the largest audiologist-owned hearing aid companies, All Clear Hearing Centers is committed to protecting your hearing from further deterioration through appropriate amplification recommendations and education on proper use and care of hearing protection devices. One in every ten Americans has hearing loss, making it the most common sensory disorder. The prevalence of hearing loss increases with age and it can affect up to one in three individuals over age 65. Among seniors, hearing loss is the third most prevalent medical condition. Call All Clear Hearing Centers today and start hearing better tomorrow.