GCSC Presents “Dad Jokes: Lessons from my Father” Oct. 18-Nov. 8


Dad JokesThe Visual & Performing Arts Division of Gulf Coast State College presents Dad Jokes: Lessons from my Father by Tim Gagnon. The work in the exhibit celebrates the words of wisdom from fathers to sons. It is a fun-loving, yet heartfelt homage to all the dads, grandfathers, uncles, and mentors who have a hand in shaping the next generation. As Tim warmly says “In every stage of my life, there was a dad offering sage advice. Sometimes in jest, sometimes in stern warning, but always with my best interests at heart. Each time, it came from a legacy of wisdom spanning generations back into antiquity. Now it’s my turn to prepare the next generation.”

Tim Gagnon is an award winning artist, author, speaker, and instructor. For nearly two decades, he has performed and exhibited in galleries, churches, conferences, schools, and stadiums across the country. His latest project is the Illuminated Messiah Bible, a collection of 66 original portraits of Jesus the Messiah. The Artwork is currently on a traveling art exhibit, and the Bible is published by Broadstreet Publishing. An Air Force Veteran, Tim proudly serves with the Patriot Art Foundation, teaching Veterans to share their stories through the arts. He serves on the board, teaches online classes for VA hospitals, and hosts the Patriot Arts Podcast.

The exhibit runs from October 18 to November 8, with an opening reception on the evening of October 18, 5 – 7 p.m. Tim will present a gallery talk during the reception. The work will be on display in the Amelia Center Gallery (AC 112). Gallery hours are Monday – Thursday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Admission is free.

For more information, please contact Pavel Amromin at pamromin@gulfcoast.edu, 850-872-3886.