Full STEAM Ahead at Walsingham Academy


Walsingham Academy is proud to offer students unique learning opportunities that are relevant, meaningful and have a direct correlation to the real world. We believe that this is a vital element for increasing student motivation, empowering students to take ownership of their learning, and igniting a passion for exploration.

Walsh Music WaOur STEAM program encourages students to realize their potential to be creative in a variety of ways and prepare for everyday life skills. It is designed to engage students in real-world problem-based learning across the curriculum while integrating science, technology, engineering, art, and math standards. Students are challenged to collaborate, problem solve, and become innovators using a variety of resources that will prepare them for a future CTE (Career Technical Education) pathway.

At Walsingham Academy, the goal is to ensure students experience the 4C’s (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity) paired with the latest digital technologies in a one-to-one setting. Some of the 21st century skills students learn are digital citizenship, basic coding, robotics, research, digital creativity, augmented reality, virtual reality, horticulture, and conservation.

Walsh Steam WaAn example of real-life experiences tied to learning was the pumpkin project students experienced this fall. To begin the unit, student Wahoos learned the pumpkin life cycle and its various parts. They were surprised to find a variety of pumpkins in all shapes, sizes, and colors waiting for them in the STEAM Lab. Many tools were made available to students to observe, measure, and compare pumpkins (tape measure, digital scale, platform scale, and iPads to document their learning). The students carved a large pumpkin, pulled out the juicy pulp, and observed the seeds from inside. Lastly, students melted crayons on the top of a pumpkin to provide an art piece to keep in the STEAM Lab. The students enjoyed learning about pumpkins using this hands-on approach.

Students also express themselves enthusiastically through our music education program. We believe music is an essential part of life and integral in the development of the whole person. The quality of life is improved by physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth experiences through a meaningful, sequential study in music. The Walsingham program engages learners in developing self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, creativity, and self-motivation necessary for success through the opportunities to create, perform, and experience music. The students at Walsingham Academy have access to unique instrument ensembles like African and tribal drums, as well as steel drums. Students also create their own instruments, performance props, and music! These opportunities help motivate and challenge our young students and provide performance opportunities throughout the community unique to life on Panama City Beach, FL.

Walsingham Academy is a brand-new school serving pre-k through second grade with plans to expand grade levels every year. Eventually, the school will serve pre-k through eighth grade. The facility is state of the art and developed specifically to reinforce conservation education. Consider this exciting and innovative school for your learners and know that they will be encouraged and empowered by a dedicated staff to reach their highest potential.