Finding the Perfect Diamond


Tracys Ring 2You have found the perfect lady/partner, so now it is time to find the perfect diamond. This can be more challenging, then finding the perfect partner. The number one question everyone has when searching for an engagement ring is “how much money should I spend?” Honestly, there is not a one size fits all formula, traditionally 2 months’ salary is a good starting point; however, there are other contributing factors like cost of living, other expenses, and lifestyle. Remember, you can always upgrade later. Now that the hard part is done, select a jeweler that makes you comfortable and is going to educate you on the 4 C’s of diamond buying. A jeweler that wants to educate you, is generally looking after your best interest.

Tracys Ring 1At Tracy’s Fine Jewelry talking about Diamonds, is my/our favorite subject. Diamonds are a lady’s best friend, do not let anyone tell you different. Diamonds are still the only gemstone that will make a grown woman cry and I have seen a lot of tears in my 30 plus years. At Tracy’s Fine Jewelry, we have over 300 certified diamonds and hundreds of settings to choose from.

Now for those 4 C’s when selecting a diamond. Cut clarity, color, and carat weight. Cut as it pertains to a diamond, most people think it’s the shape of the diamond, round, oval pear, marquise etc., actually it means how well a diamond’s facets catch the light and makes a diamond scintillate or sparkle. Clarity is the existence and appearance of internal imperfections called inclusions. The color of a diamond is in fact the lack of color in a diamond. The color grading scale starts with D being a colorless diamond and going down to Z. The last is carat and that refers to the physical weight of the diamond. One carat equals 1/5 of a gram and is divided into 100 points, so a ¼ carat would be 25 points and ½ carat is 50 points etc.

Now that you know the 4 C’s, let’s find a diamond that expresses your love and your partner’s style. If you are not sure of the style of ring your significant other likes, check out her Pinterest account, most women love to look for engagement rings. Another great source is to visit our website Tracy’ to do some research first. No pressure, we look forward to seeing you at Tracy’s Fine Jewelry, and we would love to help you find the perfect diamond.

Tracys Clarity Chart