Established Member: Padgett Business Services


By Ronya Simmons

Chamber Padgett Craig & Ronya Office (2)In 1995 Craig and I decided we were tired of being “corporate gypsies” and decided to open our own accounting practice. Craig had his CPA and had worked both in public accounting and private businesses. I had worked in accounting for years and owned a couple of small businesses. After much research, we decided to buy a Padgett Business Services franchise as they offered a structured plan and provided significant training and support.

Padgett Business Services provides monthly accounting services, business consulting, and tax preparation for small business owners. We provide pickup and delivery services so that we are actually in your business on a regular basis. We strive to get to know our clients and their needs so that we can tailor our services to help them be successful. By getting to know your business and your goals better, we are better able to help you reach your goals.

Chamber Padgett Pdgt Hrz Full Color PosSmall businesses have a lot of unique challenges and by focusing our practice on small “mom & pop” businesses, we are able to be experts on the issues that matter to them most. Come let us help you reach your business goals.

For more information call the office at (850) 235-3785, or text (850) 527-9064.