Elevate Bay in Sixth Year Thanks to Community


By Stacey Legg

Elevate Bay is Bay District Schools’ mentor initiative now in its sixth year. The general concept for the program was the vision of Superintendent Bill Husfelt and local pastor, Dr. Steve Taylor, conceived of in response to the growing need for positive role models in the lives of young students. Its initial focus was local elementary school students as research shows that many children decide by third grade if they will stay in school/graduate. Our hope was to encourage EVERY student to see the value of education and know they had someone in their corner that would help them through the more difficult times. As our community has grown and changed over the last few years, our target audience has expanded to serve all K-12 public, non-charter schools.

Although we have experienced the challenges alongside our students, faculty, and staff, we have been so blessed to have over 300 mentors join us already for the 2022/23 School Year. Many of these men and women have continued with their student or classroom from the previous year while others are new to our venture and are excited to join in our mission. The support from many local businesses and community organizations has been a driving force for our continued recruiting efforts. We are also honored to have a chance to say THANK YOU during National Mentoring Month to the fabulous men and women who invest their time and energy consistently to read, share, and cheerlead for our students. While we are confident our students and teachers are working diligently to close the gaps the recent extreme challenges have created, we are not naive to the reality that our teachers carry a heavy load. Mentors provide much-needed support and help carry the burden in a variety of ways but most importantly through the power of their presence. Without a doubt, our mentors bring value through their life experience, work history, and stories about obstacles they have overcome in their own lives. The knowledge and wisdom mentors share with our students brings the great big world to life, offering hope and possibility for many students who struggle to find their future. Regardless of their profession or age, we are confident that every mentor has contributed to the future success of our student body. #mentorsmatter

With mentors in nearly every school across the district, we are blessed to hear more and more reports like this from the staff at a local elementary school. One reports this progress for a young student: “The student’s teachers have reported that he is so happy, has a positive attitude, and literally skips down the sidewalks now instead of sulking with his head down. They both look forward to their Tuesday lunches and playing catch during recess.”

If you’re looking for a way to engage in Bay County and make a difference for the future, please consider Elevate Bay! Our school-based mentor program offers several options (One-on-One, Classroom & Lunch Buddy) and our waiting list currently has approximately 300 students. The variety of options allows for flexibility for mentors and teachers while offering an opportunity for our community members to make a tangible difference in both the day-to-day and the future of our students. Mentors have the opportunity to support their neighborhood school/teacher, their alma mater, or select a school close to their place of business which can make the process more conducive to their schedule. All of our mentor sessions take place during the school day and are supervised by either a teacher, administration, or staff.

Our two-step process includes a simple application followed by a New Mentor Orientation session. Once these have been completed, mentors will be ready to begin supporting a classroom or student at the school of their choice. With our entry-level commitment of two visits (thirty minutes each), we provide space for everyone to invest their time consistently without feeling overwhelmed by a new process. We currently have over 300 students on our waiting lists that would benefit from the support of a positive adult role model. Please consider our opportunity when looking for a way to give back to Bay County! We know our students would be grateful.

Please contact Stacey Legg, Program Coordinator, at LEGGSL@bay.k12.fl.us or call (850) 767-4128 for more information.