Creativebug Online Art and Craft Classes Free with Library Card


Library CreativebugThe Northwest Regional Library System (NWRLS) has expanded its sponsored subscription access to all patrons to include Creativebug available with your library card. A library card is free for all residents of Bay, Gulf and Liberty County. Visit your NWRLS location with proof of residency and photo ID to pick up a library card. Creativebug is a high-quality, instructional video platform for over 1,000 art and craft classes for makers of all skillsets.

Creativebug video classes include:
• Embroidery and Sewing
• Knitting and Crochet
• Cake Decorating
• Acrylic, Watercolor, and Oil Painting
• Printmaking
• Ceramics
• Jewelry
• Quilting
• And so much more!

All classes are taught by experts with new classes added daily. Each class provides a video tutorial, a materials list, and any required patterns. A small selection of the notable instructors include: Danielle Krysa (The Jealous Curator), Lisa Congdon, Molly Hatch, Arounna Khounnorag (Bookhou), Hello!Lucky Printmaking, Jen Hewett, Wilton Instructors, and Yao Cheng.

To create your Creativebug account online, visit the Northwest Regional Library System website at Select the “Books & Research” tab and then the “Databases” page. Login with your library card number to be able to create a free account until the grant period is over in September 2022.

Creativebug is optimized for mobile and tablet access. After you create your account, you can also download the Creativebug app to your device through iTunes and Google Play. This is an easy way to login to take your Creativebug classes available 24/7.

Funding for online access to Creativebug is provided through the Expanding Outreach and Digital Access Grant. This project was funded under the provisions of the DLIS Florida American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida’s DLIS Florida ARPA program is administered by the Department of States Division of Library and Information Services.

For more information about Northwest Regional Library System services and databases, visit or call the library at (850) 522-2100.