With a Northwest Regional Library System library card, you can check out a Real Florida Reader Day Pass that provides free park admission to Florida’s state parks. If you don’t have a library card, visit your local library to get one. The library card and park pass are free!...
By Peter Fischetti
Twice, mere hours apart, the dark eyes of Death stared in the face of Carol O’Driscoll. And twice, those eyes blinked first. But what really made her breathless was meeting Jesus, who had a question for her.
That Thursday in August had been typically busy for O’Driscoll, who...
By Jamie Zimchek, Editor
Anyone who’s had the opportunity post-Hurricane Michael to visit St. Andrews State Park, a scenic retreat fronting over a mile of stunning Gulf of Mexico coastline, would find a number of changes. For one, there are fewer trees in its forested area. More startling is the...
By Wendy Christian, Teacher & Matt Pitts, Principal
Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”...
By Marta Rose-Thorpe
“I was 45 years old before I realized that I was a natural-born producer,” states Kevin Elliott during our recent chat about creativity, community, and his current venture, Wewa Films. “I didn’t know that being a Producer was a job. We see the word ‘Producer,’ but no...
By Peter Fischetti
About a year ago, Jim Smith was driving along Beach Drive in Panama City when he noticed a historical marker and stopped to read it. The marker recognized the “significant contribution” of residents in the area who extracted salt—an important preservative at the time—to the Confederate States...
By Glenda Nouskhajian, Principal, Hutchison Beach Elementary School
At a time when things in the world are uncertain, Hutchison Beach Elementary School continues its rich tradition of embracing a global community. Beach welcomes children from around the world as the ‘Newcomer’ school for the Panama City Beach area. This means...
By Steve Mulholland, Executive Director, Man in the Sea Museum
The Man in the Sea Museum will be celebrating the 60th Anniversary of SEALAB in Panama City Beach, Florida July 19 and 20, 2024, and will sponsor events honoring their historic efforts. This will be a national celebration. The Man...
By Ed Offley
Developer St. Joe Co. has set the stage for a near-doubling of Pier Park that will include a mixture of retail, dining and entertainment businesses on a 70-acre site east of the existing business district.
Labeled “Pier Park City Center,” the expansion will fit into an 83-acre “L”-shaped...
Pier Park Plans a Beach-Themed Welcome for Santa
Pier Park is excited to announce that Santa will be arriving - by hot pink jeep - on Wednesday, November 30 at 4 p.m. Dressed in beach attire, he will cruise through the mall sharing smiles and goodies with shoppers before settling...