Bring 2022 in With a Bang at The Powder Room


By Jamie Zimchek

Powder Room 1It wasn’t all that long ago that traffic breezed right through the intersection of Griffin Boulevard and Panama City Beach Parkway, stoplight free. Back in those distant pre-stoplight days, there was nothing detectable on the corner either. Fast forward to 2021, and that new stoplight offers easy access to one of the area’s still newer attractions: The Powder Room Shooting Range & Training Center, a high-tech, high-caliber shooting range, training center, and retail space. Originally St. Joe Company conceptualized this as an additional amenity for Watersound Club Members. “But as we began to plan this, we realized we were missing a whole opportunity to open it up to the public,” explains Joe Preston, The Powder Room’s general manager. Now, not only is it available to Watersound Club Members but also to the public at large, offering stimulating activity when rainy days keep visitors (and locals) off golf courses and beaches.

Between the shooting range, assorted classes, and the state-of-the-art firearms simulator though, there’s good reason to give the beach a break even on sunny days. Inexperienced with firearms and looking for a way to get your feet wet? Try the NSSF First Shots course, a four-hour class that offers an introduction to firearms. “A first shot class would be for people who have purchased their first firearm or who are thinking about purchasing one,” says Preston. “They go over safety – most people are scared of firearms because they’re afraid of the unknown. We take the fear out of it.” Preston retired not that long ago from the Walton County Sheriff’s office as a lieutenant colonel, which translates to a specialized understanding of the subject’s intricacies and how to best share this knowledge with others.

It’s not just introductory courses on offer however. For those looking to really improve their firearm skills, there’s a four-part sequential Defensive Pistol course that covers all of the things you’d expect as well as additional important miscellany like concealment garments, holsters, ancillary equipment, flashlights, knives, and other things to think about if you’re trying to protect loved ones. That being said, “You’re not doing Navy Seal type high speed low drag as soon as you walk through the door,” says Preston with a laugh.

Interested in a Concealed Carry Permit? He will direct you to their Concealed Carry Class, which upon successful completion awards the certification needed to apply for the actual permit from the Florida Department of Agriculture (though he cautions wait times for the permit application process can easily take 90-120 days at present).

Not concerned about firearms for self-defense or hunting? Preston is quick to note that there are plenty who engage simply because they enjoy marksmanship. In addition to refining one’s aim at the range, there’s the aforementioned firearms simulator, which stands apart as the only one along this stretch of the Emerald Coast. “It has over 600 scenarios dedicated to law enforcement,” adds Preston. Though these particular scenarios are open to law enforcement only, mere mortals are allowed to rent out the simulator to tackle scenarios that aren’t so exclusive. This provides the opportunity for guests to engage in everything from game play and competitions to business meetings and birthday parties.
For retired law enforcement officers who now make Florida their residence of record, The Powder Room – in conjunction with the Bay County Sheriff’s office – offers quarterly training sessions for the retired law enforcement officers who wish to retain their right to carry a concealed firearm throughout the US per HR 218. “If you have someone who admirably served for 25-30 years, and was a good public servant, just because they retired, why should that prevent them from continuing to protect?” Preston asks.

In short, whether you’re retired law enforcement, a total novice, or somewhere in the middle, The Powder Room has you covered with an emphasis on safety and training. For more information on courses and to make reservations, visit their website, Also find them on Instagram, @thepowderroompcb, and Facebook, @powderroompcb.