Boating Season Is Here, Make Sure Your Boat is Legal Before Launch


Summer and boating go hand-in-hand along the Gulf Coast, but the Tax Collector’s Office wants to make sure you have thought ahead and have your boat legal before you launch.
Each year there is a mad dash to tax collector’s offices as boaters and anglers rush to renew boat registrations and purchase fishing licenses. The Tax Collector’s Office is urging customers to plan ahead and take care of their boat and fishing license needs sooner rather than later.

“It really helps both the customers and our team if our residents and visitors aren’t waiting until the last moment to visit our office before a holiday weekend,” said Tax Collector Chuck Perdue. “We want all customers to have an exceptional customer service experience and we will do our best to deliver regardless of the circumstances, but when everyone waits until the last minute and shows up at the same time, extended wait times can’t be avoided.”

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your time if you need to renew a registration, purchase a fishing license or title/ register a boat.

Take Advantage of Online Services
Renew Online with Express Lane – If you renew online at before 3 p.m. on a weekday, you can pick up your renewal the same day. The renewal system allows you to select the office where you would like to pick up your renewal and also allows you to designate someone else to pick up the renewal for you. Once you receive notification your renewal has been processed, you can visit the Information Desk at the office selected to pick up the renewal without a wait.

Renew or Purchase Your Fishing License Online – Whether a Florida resident or a visitor, you can purchase or renew your fishing license online at

Register or Title Your Boat: Save Time, Schedule an Appointment
If you need to register and title your boat in Florida, be sure to schedule an appointment to maximize your time.

Holiday weekends brings additional visitors to our area. Larger crowds typically result in more officers patrolling the waterways and roadways to ensure visitors and residents alike are having a safe and enjoyable holiday. Make sure your weekend doesn’t get ruined by a citation. Take the time now to ensure you have everything you need to have a safe, fun and legally-compliant holiday weekend.

The Bay County Tax Collector’s Office is an agent of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, providing motor vehicle and driver license services to Bay County. To learn more about the Tax Collector’s Office, visit