Bay District Schools Launches the School Year with Outstanding Beach School Achievements


By Mark McQueen, Superintendent

As the new school year kicked off, Bay District Schools saw a wave of success, particularly across our beach schools. With an impressive turnout and seamless operations, the first day set the tone for what promises to be an incredible year of learning and growth. The beach schools (A. Gary Walsingham Academy, Breakfast Point Academy, Hutchison Beach Elementary School, J.R. Arnold High School, Patronis Elementary School, Surfside Middle School, and West Bay Elementary) stood out as beacons of excellence, showcasing the district’s commitment to putting the ‘A’ back in Bay.

Bay District Schools Bolt Students With Superintendent Mark McqueenBay District Schools Bolt StudentsOne of the highlights was the Boys on the Leadership Team (BOLT) from Hutchison Beach Elementary School, who played a pivotal role in welcoming the media and visitors to their campus. These young leaders, dressed in jackets and ties provided by a St. Joe Foundation grant, exemplified the professionalism and leadership skills we aim to nurture in all our students. Their impressive demeanor on the first day set a high standard for the entire school community.

The start of the school year also shone a spotlight on the invaluable community support that is a cornerstone of our success. Manuel & Thompson’s generous sponsorship of free back-to-school coffee for all district employees, including two beach locations this year, was a powerful demonstration of this. This show of appreciation not only energized our staff but also underscored the crucial role of community involvement in our schools, making each member of our community feel valued and integral to our success.

Across all 42 campuses, including our outstanding beach schools, the numbers tell the story of a well-coordinated and successful launch. With 101 bus routes covering 6,600 miles, over 8,000 students were safely transported to begin their educational journey. The dedication of our staff was not just evident, but it was truly remarkable. More than 1,690 teachers welcomed students into classrooms, 149 food service staff served 2,720 breakfasts and 9,570 lunches, and 1,167 support staff ensured that everything ran smoothly. Their hard work and dedication are what make our schools great, and we are proud and appreciative of their efforts.

Our beach schools, in particular, are a source of pride. Patronis Elementary is known for its vibrant community involvement, while Breakfast Point Academy continues to push the boundaries of innovative education. A. Gary Walsingham is gearing up for another year with a new grade of students and our friends at West Bay Elementary are teaching students that they were “meant for more” as they achieve new goals. Surfside Middle School and Arnold High School are also making significant strides, each contributing to the district’s overall excellence. Hutchison Beach is celebrating its new “A” grade status and focusing on character education and academic achievement. These schools are not just places of learning; they are community hubs where students, parents, and staff come together to achieve greatness.

Bay District Schools School Board Chair Steve Moss Poses For A First Day Photo With A Bpa Teacher.The start of the school year is just the beginning. Bay District Schools is not resting on its laurels but is committed to continuous improvement and community engagement. We encourage everyone to get involved with their neighborhood schools—whether through volunteering, mentoring, or participating in school events. The support of our community is not just desired, but it is essential in helping us maintain the high standards we set for ourselves. With this commitment to continuous improvement, we are confident in the direction of our schools and the success of our students.

This year promises to be one of our best yet, with the BDS Team of Teams, especially our beach schools, leading the charge. Together, we’re achieving academic excellence and reinforcing the strong community bonds that make Bay District Schools a special place to learn and grow. The commitment to putting the ‘A’ back in Bay is stronger than ever, and the success of our beach schools is a testament to what we can accomplish when we work together.