From the Office of Congressman Neal Dunn


Congressman Neal DunnFrom Congressman Neal Dunn, Florida’s Second Congressional District

During my time in Washington, I’ve made it my mission to put power back in the hands of doctors and patients to ensure they have access to the best care possible. In March, I introduced the Improving CARE for Youth Act, which allows for same-day billing for mental health services for youth Medicaid beneficiaries. Our youth’s mental health is worse than it’s ever been, especially following the destructive COVID-19 lockdowns. Protecting the future of the youth in our country is too important to be held up by Medicaid billing restrictions. Fixing same-day billings for Medicaid beneficiaries may seem like a small change, but it will have a huge impact on our kids. We must ensure that America’s youth have access to the quality care they need to unlock their full potential.

Getting Floridians the care they deserve means cutting bureaucratic red tape that can complicate the care process. Last week, the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health passed my bill that will increase access to essential screenings for prostate and other cancers, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. My bill, the FIND Act, will empower doctors and patients with the ability to determine the correct diagnosis early and prevent delayed or inaccurate screenings that can have disastrous consequences. When we avoid unnecessary and inappropriate treatment due to inaccurate scans, Medicare saves money. More importantly, when a physician can obtain an accurate diagnosis, we can achieve the best outcomes for patients. I’m thrilled that this bill has passed this important hurdle, and I look forward to expanding access to these potentially life-saving scans.

Healthcare is just one aspect of my work in Congress. Over the coming weeks, I hope to pass legislation that will require states to obtain proof of citizenship before voting and improve person-to-person firearm transactions. I am also in contact with state and local authorities as our entire district deals with the fallout from recent storm damage. Please know that I am monitoring the situation and working with local officials to coordinate recovery efforts. As I continue my legislative work over the coming weeks, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or would like to leave a comment by calling (202) 225-5235.