Deepening Business Relationships


Marta Rose Thorpe.8 27 20By Marta Rose-Thorpe

A few years ago, I attended a businesswomen’s symposium where the morning keynote speaker talked about her TRIBE. Her “Tribe” was the ten or twelve people in her life that influenced her the most. I call these kinds of people “Engines” – people in our lives who pull us forward, as opposed to “Anchors” – the people who hold you down (needy, drama, victims, etc.). These were people she saw and spoke to frequently, worked on events together, promoted each other’s businesses and brand, supported each other’s causes, and even financially supported each other by purchasing their products and services. In doing so they were able to be each other’s testimonial and give referrals.

Your tribe serves an important purpose. It fulfills things that we, as both business professionals and human beings, need: support; inspiration; business advice and direction; idea-sharing and brainstorming; data-sharing; opportunities to co-promote and co-brand; events, committees and forums to participate and contribute; and opportunities for you to make a difference in your community.

Let’s talk about deepening business relationships. Have you heard this saying, “People do business with people they know, like and trust?” Here are four relationship-deepening strategies to think about and use.

Brand Foundation. You are your BRAND… So what is your Authentic Brand Foundation? Is your lifestyle congruent with your brand? The way you live, the places you go, the way you present yourself, the activities that occupy your time, the people you spend time with. Are there discrepancies, or is everything consistent and harmonious?

It’s not who you know, it’s who knows YOU. You can’t know all your potential customers, but by raising the profile of your brand (you) your customers can certainly know you, whether by internet, TV, radio, mailers, networking events, social media, etc.

Being an Encourager is one of the best ways to establish a deeper relationship with someone. Do you know the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat? A thermometer reflects the atmosphere around us – it mirrors back what’s going on. A thermostat lifts the atmosphere to where you want it to be; it affects the atmosphere. thermostats are encouragers. Encouraging leads to encouragement. When you take the time to encourage others, you become encouraged.

Show Appreciation. Everyone likes someone who appreciates them. One of my favorite sayings is, “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” The most powerful tool you have in creating success in your life is to appreciate other people. When you appreciate others, you’ll find that your relationships are stronger; your circle of friends is growing wider; your career and business is succeeding beyond your expectations; and your life will simply be happier.

Remember that the two most powerful words in any language are “thank you.” Saying thank you communicates that you value and appreciate the other person. Saying thank you has the power to completely change the other person’s mood, for the better. Saying thank you has the power to create friendships. Saying thank you has the influence to create loyalty. Forgetting to say thank you leaves the other person feeling taken for granted and unappreciated, feelings that will more than likely damage building future bonds.

And finally, here are just a few more ways to deepen relationships: Believe in People; put your reputation on the line to vouch for them. Speak up with positive words and affirmations. Connect People. Encouragers are always looking to bring people together and connect them with opportunities. Find out people’s strengths and gifts, and help them get plugged in. Call someone up and invite them to lunch. Ask them their story… then listen. Attend someone’s event, or something they’re involved in, or something they put together.
And bring someone into your own tribe!