Fighting the Bite: Beach Mosquito Control District in Action


Beach Mosquito Control District (BMCD) is an Independent Special Taxing District that operates under Chapter 388 of the Florida Statutes. The District extends from Hathaway Bridge on the east to the Walton County line on the west and south of the intercoastal waterway, excluding the West Bay community.

BMCD is charged with providing mosquito control in the District. To accomplish this, BMCD uses Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM). IMM is the utilization of several different methodologies. Larviciding, (controlling the mosquito larva), adulticiding, (controlling the adult mosquito), permanent control measures (eliminating the water source), and public relations.

Larviciding is locating the mosquito breeding source and when larva is present, treating for the larva. The District has many, if not all, the breeding sources mapped and cataloged in the District. We use environmentally friendly larvicides when treating the lava.

Adulticiding is when we treat for adult mosquitoes. This is what most people think of as ‘mosquito control,” but it’s really only one component. This is accomplished by utilizing spray trucks at night when the mosquitoes are active and flying.

Permanent control measures involve removing the water source. This can be done by dumping out containers that breed mosquitoes and or cleaning out ditches that may be stopped up with non flowing water, the perfect place for mosquitoes to lay eggs.

Public relations revolves around educating the public about mosquitoes and ways they can reduce the number of mosquitoes, both pestiferous and vector borne disease carrying. BMCD is involved in the K through 12 schools in the District. Our outreach program teaches classes about the biology of mosquitoes and meets the Florida Sunshine Standards.

Beach Mosquito Control District is here to serve the public by protecting against pestiferous and disease carrying mosquitoes. Please call us at 850.233.5030 and or visit our website at if you are being bothered by the world’s deadliest creature, the mosquito.