4th INDUS Golf Tournament to Benefit Warrior Beach Retreat, Inc. May 3


The 4th INDUS golf tournament to benefit warriors wounded in combat will be held Friday, May 3, 2024, at the Baypoint Golf Club 4701 Bay Point Rd., Panama City. Registration and sponsorship packages are available at www.industechnology.com.

Warrior Beach Retreat GroupWarrior Beach Retreat, Inc. began their local nonprofit almost 15 years ago after their son, Retired Army Sergeant Joshua Cope, lost both legs above the knee and wounded his hands in an IED blast in Baghdad Iraq. Now they host large retreats twice a year for combat-wounded couples and three smaller retreats to help strengthen their marriages. When a soldier goes to war… A family goes to war… We focus also on the caregiver as we feel they are the unsung heroes of war.

Warrior Beach RetreatDonations are especially needed as we are paying for the rooms and other costs that we did not have to cover before the pandemic. You can give by going to our website, warriorbeachretreat.org.

We have a waiting list until 2027 as the need is great, and the word has spread about what this community does to bring hope and healing to our nation’s finest who have sacrificed so much for the freedoms we enjoy.

Warrior Beach Retreat is a local charity, and not affiliated with the Wounded Warrior Project.