12th Annual Bethlehem Christmas Village AND Red Snapper!


By Pam Anderson

Capt Andersons Bethlehem Village 1Once again Capt. Anderson Marina’s parking lot will be transformed into Bethlehem Christmas Village December 11 through 14 (Wednesday through Saturday) from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The event is always free and very family friendly.

For an additional blessing this Christmas for anglers and charter and guide boat operators, there will be an additional Red Snapper Season from now through December 31. Looking for gift ideas? Find your captain at www.CaptAndersonsMarina.com. Scroll down below the ‘Bethlehem’ icon to Charter Boats on the left side of the page to find the list of the greatest fishing captains in NW Florida!

Each evening during Bethlehem Christmas Village we will enjoy many of our local school choirs and bands sharing their Christmas programs. This year we will hear from Breakfast Point Academy, Rutherford High School, Patronis Elementary School, Arnold High School Concert Band, Mosley High School Band, Bay Haven Charter Academy, Hiland Park Elementary School and more! Come support your favorite schools and students and listen to some great Christmas music each evening.

At 6:30 each evening we will present the Live Nativity with singers and actors from local churches. The Christmas story of the Greatest Gift ever given will come alive as we present Mary and Joseph as they hear from the Angel Gabriel of the Incarnate birth to come and then, their arrival into Bethlehem for that most blessed birth.

Capt Andersons Bethlehem Village 2Stories of that very first Christmas in Bethlehem from the viewpoints of Isaiah, Mary, Elizabeth, Joseph, the Innkeeper, Shepherds, Angels, and Wise Men will be shared as you walk through the Village and meet the storytellers. They will give you a page for your Bethlehem Book. Our hope is that this will help you experience what Mary and Joseph lived over 2000 years ago and be reminded of what the real Christmas is all about. Be sure to stop by the Gospel Bracelet table to get your free bracelet! At the last booth, we invite you to put your book together and receive a small gift from one of our local merchants.

Experience the bustling little village of Bethlehem as people have come to register for the Census and pay their taxes. Our tax collectors will be collecting unwrapped toys and non-perishable food and monetary donations for different local charities each night. All gifts, large or small, will help make a difference to our neighbors in need. This year’s “Tax Collectors” will be the Rescue Mission, Scottish Rite Temple, Center of Hope, and Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Our Candy Cane Grandma will share the story behind the candy cane that we all love at Christmas.

The children love the stable that houses all the small animals they can pet and love on, from rabbits to a donkey. Back by popular demand, pony rides will be offered for a donation of $2.00 per child.

It can’t be a real village without food and gift vendors. There will be over 30 local vendors joining our event this year to offer food, beverages, toys and gifts for all you shoppers. Be sure to browse through the Village for a unique gift for that special someone in your life.

We are grateful that we live in a country where we can share this special event with the community and grateful to all of you for your support.

Christmas Blessings to all,
The Andersons