11th Annual Bethlehem Christmas Village at Capt. Anderson’s Marina!


Make this Christmas very meaningful by joining us at Bethlehem Christmas Village December 13 through the 16. Capt. Anderson’s Marina will be presenting its 11th Annual Bethlehem Christmas Village’s Live Nativity programs nightly, from 5:30 until 8:30 p.m. Come hear the Biblical story of that very first Christmas in Bethlehem from the viewpoints of Isaiah, Mary, Elizabeth, Joseph, the Innkeeper, Shepherds, Angels, and Wise Men.
Each night there will be a different school choir or concert band performing before and after the Live Nativity program. Vendors will be on hand for shopping for some unique Christmas gifts as well as food vendors.

Experience the bustling little village of Bethlehem as people come to register for the Census and pay their taxes. Our tax collectors will be collecting unwrapped toys and non-perishable food for different local charities each night. All gifts, large or small, will help make a difference to our neighbors in need.

Capt Andersons Marina Bethlehem VillageThe children love the stable that houses all the small animals they can pet and love on, from rabbits to a donkey. This year pony rides will be offered for a donation of $2 per child.
Our Candy Cane Grandma will share the story behind the candy cane that we all love at Christmas.

As you walk through the Village and meet the storytellers, they will give you a page for your Bethlehem Book. At the last booth, we invite you to put your book together and receive a small gift from one of our local merchants.

Our hope is that this will help you experience what Mary and Joseph lived over 2000 years ago.

We are grateful that we live in a country where we can share this special event with the community. For more on the participating schools and charities, visit our website at www.CaptAndersonsMarina.com.

Did you know that the Grand Lagoon area along the East end of Thomas Drive offers more than 25 family-owned dining options? From burgers, to Chinese dishes, Mexican dishes, Cuban, Cajun, Italian, and great local seafood, the Grand Lagoon area is the place to eat!
Guide boats are available now for finding trout and redfish inshore; Charter boats are still getting folks out into the Gulf for trolling and deep-sea fishing. Lots of great choices in Grand Lagoon and always great fishing!

When planning your next fishing trip, remember Capt. Anderson’s Marina… home of 30 private Charter Boats, 10 Guide Boats and 4 Dive Boats, 3 large Head-boats and Shell Island/Dolphin Cruises. (Headboats & Cruises available March through October.) All can be found at www.CaptAndersonsMarina.com.

Fishing and Shell Island/Dolphin Gift Certificates make a great gift for the whole family! You can purchase your gift certificates online or in person at the marina office Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.

We wish you all a Blessed Christmas and Holiday season with family and friends!

Capt. Anderson’s Marina…Where the fish are always biting, and the kids are always smiling.