By Peter Fischetti The old man thought he had heard the surf, but it probably was just the wind. Rarely were the waves from the Gulf strong enough to make a sound you could hear on Back Beach Road. That’s where the old man lived, in a nursing home. His...
By Pastor Kerry Knight, Emerald Beach Church of Christ Silly question, right? No, it is a very important question that all must contemplate. The apostle Paul had to remind the church at Colosse: “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, So walk in Him” (Colossians 2:6). The Apostle reminds them...
By Sean Dietrich My doctor gave me some very bad news. I can’t even bring myself to talk about it. I’m so scared right now. I don’t know why God is doing all this to me. I am so angry with God right now. I hate God. Thanks, SLEEPLESS-IN-NEW-YORK DEAR SLEEPLESS: About 300 years...
By Sean Dietrich This is not my story. It was told to me. In fact, I’m hearing it for the first time, just like you are. The year was 1982. The old man climbed out of a rust-red Ford. He was ancient. He walked with a shuffle as he hobbled into...
By Ethan Jago I grew up in a culture where it was frowned upon to ask hard questions. As the son of a pastor, I knew all the right answers to the right questions, but every other response outside of that box was simply: just have faith. This mentality is...
By Sean Dietrich These aren’t my stories, but I’m going to tell them. Let’s call her Dana. Dana was going for a walk near her home. It was a dirt road. Her high-school reunion was coming up, she was getting into shape. A truck pulled beside her. He slowed down. He rolled...
By Kerry Knight, Minister, Emerald Beach Church of Christ One of the most endearing hymns in our song books is “Oh To Be Like Thee.” It was written in 1893 by Thomas Obadiah Chisholm. He was born in a log cabin in Kentucky and was a man filled with grand...
By Sean Dietrich It was an average Thursday night. The crowd waiting to get into Truist Park was a biblical mass. There were too many people to comprehend. Everyone was sweating through their undergarments. The smell of human armpit odor was in the air. It was a sold-out game. Forty-odd thousand baseball...

The Bait

By Rick Moore An attention getting picture with an enticing headline is often called click-bait. Here are a few of the most viewed click-bait statements on the internet: These Photos Will Make You Think Twice, Here Is What They Look Like Now, You Won’t Believe What She Said, and the...
By Sean Dietrich We had a major potato salad crisis at our Fourth-of-July barbecue. Someone forgot to designate a family member to be the official “bringer of potato salad.” So everyone took it upon themselves to bring potato salad. We had 2,927 varieties. There are few things more American than a...