Back to School and Grateful


Husfelt 2020By Bill Husfelt, Superintendent, Bay District Schools

If I had to sum up our return to school with one word I would definitely choose “gratitude.”

As I have visited our schools, I have just been overwhelmed with the continued resilience of our students, the passion and dedication of our employees, and the support of our families. No doubt we’ve had challenges as we all adjust to new transportation guidelines, a new school on the beach, a new dress code, and other changes but I just could not be more proud of the way all of our stakeholders are working to support each other.

I am also grateful for all of the families who have entrusted us with the education of their students and for all of the support those families provide to our students, our employees, and our schools. It’s often said that “a rising tide lifts all ships” and that is so very true. Our schools do not make our students successful; it’s our students (and their families) who make our schools successful.

I sincerely hope that we’re able to navigate our way back to a semblance of “normal” this year because I know that’s what our students so desperately need. Although I can’t predict the future, I can guarantee that Bay District Schools will do everything we can to ensure our operations are as “normal” as possible and we sincerely appreciate ALL of the stakeholders who help us with that. The experts agree that we will be dealing with Covid-19 for at least the next two years so it’s critical that we all work together to keep our students and staff as safe as possible. Keeping your students home when they are sick is an absolutely vital component of our safety plan.

If you’re at all connected to our school system, I hope your family experienced as smooth a start to school as possible. Nothing is ever perfect and Covid-19 has certainly thrown us some curve balls but it’s a blessing just to be in school and I know many of you share that sentiment.

We may not be able to solve all of the problems because sometimes the resources simply aren’t available or don’t exist BUT we will always seek to do what’s best for our students. The personal, candid conversations I have every day with members of our community continue to remind me that Bay County is an amazing place in which to live, work and play and I’m so grateful to live in a community that cares so deeply for our children.

Gratitude … the more we practice it, the more we feel it. I’m grateful for all of you and I hope you continue to stay safe.

God Bless!