A Few Minutes With… Rachel Duvall, Founder and CEO of Humble House


Humble House Rachel DuvallTell us a little bit about yourself. I was born in Birmingham, Alabama, but I have been living in Panama City since 1984. I am happy to consider this my home.

Tell us about your family. I have been happily married to Scott Duvall for the past nine years. I have four children: Jacob and Brianna plus two more beautiful daughters who entered my life when Scott and I married, Brittany and McKenzie. I have a wonderful mother named Diane Sweeney that has ministered to women alongside me for the past 17 years.

Tell us about your current, past, or future career. I have served in addiction ministry for the past 16 years at First Baptist Church through the Most Excellent Way Program. For the past 7 years, I have been in full-time ministry, working with ladies who have struggled with drug and alcohol addiction. I was director of the Bethel Village coverage program and homeless shelter for women and children. I am currently working as a Bates-based care coordinator at the Bay County Jail and I have also had the honor of being able to open a Transitional Recovery Program for women here in Panama City called The Humble House Ministries. This is also being expanded soon to Tallahassee, Florida. In these roles, God has showed me the incredible need for transitional recovery in our area and I love working with women showing them there is a better way of living through Jesus Christ. Long term, we’re hoping to open a 12-month residential addiction recovery program for women in Bay and surrounding counties. We’d love for you to visit our Facebook page to see what God is doing through our ministry https://www.facebook.com/HumbleHouseMinistriesINC

What are a couple of your favorite restaurants in our community? Simply Seafood & Longhorns.

Who is the most interesting person you’ve met here in our community? Paula Dean! She came to tour our recovery program and was extremely down to earth!

What advice do you have for us? Love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength… and love your neighbor as yourself.

What is something on your bucket list? Go to Israel for sure!!!

What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you? I have a special compartment in my stomach saved for dessert! :p